Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dumbfounded by Extravegance and Greed

I have always felt that it is a person's right to accumulate wealth. It is what one does with that wealth that falls under the morality umbrella. Let's say a person is a gazillionaire and donates millions of dollars to causes that protect human dignity throughout the world. (that's more than I've ever given!) Can I begrudge them a nice house and maybe a Jaguar? I don't think so.

Excess is a relative term anyway. If I remember the numbers correctly, the average American 10-year-old paper boy is in the upper 6% of the world's income. That's crazy. Is it wrong for him to buy baseball cards when 94% of the rest of the world is starving? Of course it's not wrong.

But I did come across something that made me rethink this just a little.

As many of you know I'm a big fan of What Not To Wear. I really like the way Nick Arrojo does hair and I've been frustrated with my own lately because it's in that awkward growing-out stage. So I'm watching the show while I'm eating lunch and decide to Google Nick to see if he has a salon or whatever. Sure enough there's his salon. His website has a list of service and prices.

If I want to get my hair cut (just a cut...no color), by Nick himself, which will last in it's original state for about 2 weeks and then enter the growing-out stage in no more than 2 week after that, I would have to shell out wait for it....

I don't care how much money you have or how much you and your gazillions protect human dignity. If you spend $500 on a haircut you should be shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Nick, I am disappointed but not shocked by the insane prices.