Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have a new guilty pleasure. On my break between semesters my fabulous friend Tim and I spent several hours on the couch watching Sex and the City DVDs and now I can't go more than 48 hours without checking into my DVR for my TBS censored version of Carrie Bradshaw and her urban antics. Not that I don't covet the DVD version f-bombs and all. But alas, my fixed income doesn't allow it.

I understand this is, for many, a counter-Christian activity. But I say the show is brilliant. I dare any Christian to watch it critically. Not as in,, "oh they're always fornicating...shame on them." But watch it with an eye out for Truth. Carrie Bradshaw, a sex columnist, narrates through the disasters that ensue after she and her friends try to figure out what it means to love, be loved, be selfish, be compassionate, be independent and so on. Carrie's writing style is mostly in the form of asking her readers rhetorical questions. I find that they are all the right questions. I strongly disagree with their methods for finding answers, I disagree with the answers she comes up with more often than not. BUT...sometimes her answers scratch the surface of Truth. And Truth, remember, with a capital T is God's Truth.

I'm certainly not condoning the behavior of these fictitious women. There are plenty of ways to go about asking the right questions and searching for answers that don't involve sex on the first date and handing entire paychecks to Monolo Blanik. But asking the right questions is a first step.

So when we run into the real life version of these characters maybe our jobs as Christians is to love them enough to keep our mouths shut about their sinful lifestyles and listen for the questions. If we love them, truly love them where they're at, maybe they'll trust us enough to listen for the right answers.

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