Thursday, June 19, 2008


I had exams in both my classes today. I added up the total number of hours I spent studying and got a whopping 13.5 hrs. This human embryology class is hard. I'm a good memorize-er so I think that saves me. Foundations of Catholicism is not so bad because I've been studying Catholicism for several years now and it's not so unfamiliar. Science is just not my bag, baby.

Since I've been focused on sex organs and the Church for 3 days my house is in disarray. This is common when I've got school stuff to work on. But my sink-full of dishes is still not clean as I have been pleasantly distracted by the blogosphere.

I've found a particular literary agent (whew...haven't href -ed in a while...scary) who dispenses the wisdom of the publishing world in the manner of Dave Barry. His post today (see link) was about the single greatest writer-ish problem. Plot. I posted a comment because I seriously think that's my biggest issue. I have all the deeper meanings and messages of all the books I want to write but no plot. This is not workin' for me. Must develop plot.

So anyway, in my obsessive refreshing of the comments page (maybe this literary agent will comment on my comment directly!) I found another blogger who commented. She is published and writes...wait for it...Cool/real/Christian Chic-Lit. I commented on her blog too.

And the networking begins!

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