Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In the world

In my first media & society class my prof explained the Catholic World View (CWV) as being the 360 degree window in a revolving restaurant. That the CWV encompasses everything we face in the world. Media specifically. He explained that Catholicism sees the world from different angles; that truth is truth, no matter where it's found. And that that truth is God's truth.
I have always had a distaste for the us-and-them attitude some Christians have toward the world. I know it can be a big bad ugly world out there. I know that God's goodness is hard to find sometimes. But rather than throw in the towel and declare the world nonredeemable, and proceed to hide in whatever safe, Christian environment we have chosen for ourselves, why can't we find (seek out/hunt down/pursue) the goodness of God out in that ugly world and make it grow.
It seems Christians all over the place, Evangelical and Catholic alike, say they accept people where they're at. But there's always that caveat that says, as long as "where you're at" is within the walls of this church where we have the long as someone brought you to youth group/church/Sunday school...because hell if I'm going out there to the bars/nightclubs/dungeons where you live and be exposed to your icky sinful lifestyle. Blech!
Would those Christians be the ones yelling at Jesus for speaking to tax collectors and prostitutes?
I prefer to see the true, good and beautiful wherever I can find it. I prefer to press into that line between "in" and "of" and see good things where the people, who are supposed to be salt and light, have stopped looking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This debate is close to my heart - I have known many people like the ones you describe. In my opinion, they do more to damage the work of Christianity/Catholicism than help it. By judging others (even with good intention), all you do is alienate them. Where Jesus tasks us to loving exhortion (is that the right word?) instead becomes snooty "I'm a better person than you, so you need to listen to me."

No one wins when that type of interaction is had, especially not God. You will not make anyone notice the light of Jesus in your life, when that light comes across as a spirit of haughty condemnation.