Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mis Clases

So far I like my classes. But just like last semester, I'm afraid of a couple. This semester my big fear would be Spanish. Now, I got an A in Spanish last semester. Yay me, right? Well, I swear I had to go over everything I learned because I didn't remember a thing. Plus this new prof talks to us in Spanish and then expects us to respond. I'm nauseous before every class like it's my first day of kindergarten.

Then there are the writing classes that I'm happy about. Although, public affairs reporting gives me hives a bit. I've never been interested in the news. I mean, I'd like to be updated about current events in some way other than reading dry news stories. And I certainly don't want to write dry news stories. But of course this is one of those dreaded required courses associated with my area of study. I can pretty much deal. And any writing is good practice.

But the class I'm MOST excited about is my Media and Society class. At an orthodox Catholic university we get to apply the Catholic world view to every issue in the media today. I'm learning new and exciting things in my class about Catholicism and how all my doubts about coming to a place where the super-holy live were unfounded. According to my prof's lectures my ideas about interacting with the world are in line with what the Church teaches. There are so many things the prof has said that have given me goosebumps. I've bounced in my chair and pumped my fist and exclaimed, "yeeahh!" more times than I can count.

This makes me excited about being Catholic.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome - I'm glad that you're having good experiences in your classes. There will always be a few that you don't care for, but they do go by fast in the grand scheme of things. That Media & Society class sounds really interesting. Good times!

Lisa said...

I'll post more details about the class. I tried on this one and it was becoming so long I figured I'd break it up in chunks. So stay tuned!