Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hope deferred...

I had two experiences this week and they were very similar.

One was with a friend. One was with God at church this morning.
Both incidents can best be described as a mind-fuck.

The difference is that my friend and I had a conversation about it and worked things out as best we could for right now. When I talk and cry to God about why He seems to enjoy torturing me...He is silent.

A friend once said that being in a relationship with God was like being in an abusive relationship. I've never felt that to be more true than I do right now. And yet I still hope.

Another friend says that even though she questions God's motives often, she knows that she would simply die without Him.

This is my problem: I am being tormented by a God who's very breath sustains my life.

"What you have said is hard...but to whom else could I go?"

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