Monday, November 27, 2006


I haven't been here in a long time. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did. I went to the Grover's (Tom and Lisa's) and ate my weight in turkey and honey baked ham and pork sausage stuffing and mashed taters and home made pies and to top it all off, coffee with mint mocha creamer . We played Catch Phrase with waay too many people and had a blast.

I want to list some things for witch I am infinitely grateful...

  • My mom...who always loves me
  • My friends...who make me laugh and think and grow
  • My job...that pays my bills
  • My hopes and dreams...even if they seem to hide from me and make me cry a lot
  • My faith...even if it seems to hide from me and makes me cry a lot.
  • My God...even if He seems to hide from me and makes me cry a lot.
  • My apartment...even though my shower doesn't work very well and my closets randomly smell like sewage.
That's just a tiny list and there are many sub-lists. I can't wait to enjoy this Christmas season with all of you.

Update: 11:35pm

I wrote the above before I left to see a movie with Meegs and Lori. I have a new addition to my Thanksgiving list.

  • Daniel Craig...who...well...mmm.


Anonymous said...

I share your immense thankfulness for Daniel Craig. The Lord done good the day he made Daniel Craig. Thank you, Lord.

I propose a Daniel Craig marathon. Margaritas, munchies, and movies featuring one very masculine man.

Lisa said...

I thought you said he wasn't as hot in his other movies. I'd rather just watch Casino Royal over and over again...and pause at crucial points to just thank the Lord some more.

Anonymous said...

'Tis true--for some of them. Layercake and Munich, we can watch without fear.

For the some of the others, it's not so much his fault as it is the fault of the role and the fact that his hotness would be distracting, so they have to tone it down. Like, see exhibit A from Sylvia. He's still quite an imposing presence though.

But Sylvia also features Gwynnie, so we can skip it.

Lori said...

I am in. But the funny thing is that I searched for a good picture of Daniel Craig last night and couldnt' find a single one that I liked.

I think his entire being oozes hardcore hotness and it simply doesn't translate into a two-dimensional still photograph. It's the voice, the cocky swagger of his walk, his piercing eyes that don't just constantly glow but actually reveal an array of emotions. Mmmm...methinks I'm a bit obsessed. = )

Anonymous said...

I think you're onto something there, Lori.

In movie-related conversations with various acquaintances of mine (these being before I actually saw the movie), I mentioned how my desire to see it was about 99.998% motivated by my intense attraction to Daniel Craig. Of those who said, "I don't find him very good looking," almost none had seen Layercake or Munich or even one of his less hotness-filled roles. I tell them to go see him in a movie and then come talk to me. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the prosecution rests.

Either that or they've lost all faith in my ability to judge male attractiveness since I confessed my longstanding crush on Paul Giamatti.

Lisa said...

Although in Munich, his hotness is out-shined by Eric Bana's hhhhotnness...I don't even remember Daniel Craig being in it. But I wasn't really looking for him.

It was such a serious movie about important international relations and here we are drooling over the men.

Anonymous said...

Ironic that you've all had such comments this week...