Wednesday, November 08, 2006 be 18 again

I'm watching Dr. Phil and there's this couple who met on The guy is a 40 yr old widower and his girlfriend is 18. He is concerned that she's just after his money (ya think?)and his friend is hilariously obnoxious about her and her intentions for his 40 year old friend. She claims, with tears streaming down her face, that Mr. Rich guy is her soulmate and that she "believes in God" and that marriage is for life and that Mr. Obnoxious Friend is being unfair and cruel.

Dr. Phil is being generous when he says that he doesn't think it's impossible for a relationship that began on to become something meaningful. But he also brought up the fact that Little Miss 18 may not have the life experience necessary to deal with the world view of a 40 year old...not to mention a man who's lost a wife to terminal illness. (as an aside, she told Mr. 40 that he had to get rid of all the pictures of his late wife.)

She's reacting to this line of reasoning like I used to react to my parents telling me that I couldn't wear make-up till I was in high school. They said it was for my own good and that I would understand when I was older. I swore up and down (in so many words, and in my jr. high way) that I knew all there was to know and that they were unjustly excercising their authority in order to make themselves feel like good parents. And I wasn't going to stand for it!!!

This girl needs to hit 30 ...hell, 25...and come to understand, like all of us have, that she doesn't know jack shit. I swear the older I get the less I know.

I feel bad for Little Miss 18. She really believes she's got it all figured out. She feels profoundly misunderstood. I remember that feeling. It sucks. It feels like the whole world is against you.

Stick it out honey, you'll see. A day will come when you'll remember your television debut and cringe. Don't be embarrassed, we've all been there.


Anonymous said...

Luckily, most of us haven't been there on TV. Phew.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I so hear you on knowing less as you get older. Young'uns who think they know everything piss me off.

Dr. Phil also pisses me off, come to think of it.

Good thing I didn't watch this with you. I might have gone into one of my trademark rants.

Andrew said... ... that is just precious ... I'm sure that many long and fruitful relationships are forged through said website. It may as well be called or ... The world really is unfair for the 18 year old isn't it?

Lori said...

I saw this episode as well. As much as she begged you to take her seriously, the whiny little Bee-otch shot herself in the foot with her fake tears.

My favorite was when she told Dr. Phil, "You can't say that I don't understand because you don't know me" about four times despite Dr. Phil VERY clearly stating that he's talking about a life phase, not actual experiences.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I cannot imagine wanting to marry anyone near my dad's age. That's just gross. Stop grave robbing you sicko! Leave some of the mature men for those who don't need to be raised still.

What in the heck was HE doing on if he didn't expect to run into someone like her?!

Sandy (who doesn't remember her password for