Monday, November 27, 2006


I haven't been here in a long time. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did. I went to the Grover's (Tom and Lisa's) and ate my weight in turkey and honey baked ham and pork sausage stuffing and mashed taters and home made pies and to top it all off, coffee with mint mocha creamer . We played Catch Phrase with waay too many people and had a blast.

I want to list some things for witch I am infinitely grateful...

  • My mom...who always loves me
  • My friends...who make me laugh and think and grow
  • My job...that pays my bills
  • My hopes and dreams...even if they seem to hide from me and make me cry a lot
  • My faith...even if it seems to hide from me and makes me cry a lot.
  • My God...even if He seems to hide from me and makes me cry a lot.
  • My apartment...even though my shower doesn't work very well and my closets randomly smell like sewage.
That's just a tiny list and there are many sub-lists. I can't wait to enjoy this Christmas season with all of you.

Update: 11:35pm

I wrote the above before I left to see a movie with Meegs and Lori. I have a new addition to my Thanksgiving list.

  • Daniel Craig...who...well...mmm.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Totally cool

Dood! Lara Flyn Boyle, covered in post mortum gooiness, just crawled out of the instantly mummified, aforementioned creepy chubby woman. Sweeeet.

I do love gory stuff sometimes.

Type casting

Poltergiest III has that short little chubby woman with the high pitched Southern accent. She is still creepy. Who is she? Could she ever do any other role besides "creepy woman?" I doubt it.

This surfer needs some techy help

So I downloaded this new fancy version of Internet Explorer about a month ago. They (the elusive "they") "recomended" it. Since then my browser freezes about once and hour and I have to end program. I did a virus scan on my 'puter and it's clean according to my anti-virus softwear. So now what? Anyone know how I can go back to the good 'ol days of non-fancy surfing? Or can I contact someone at Windows and encourage them to get their poop in a group? (anyone have a number?)

Help me...I'm computer challenged!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 be 18 again

I'm watching Dr. Phil and there's this couple who met on The guy is a 40 yr old widower and his girlfriend is 18. He is concerned that she's just after his money (ya think?)and his friend is hilariously obnoxious about her and her intentions for his 40 year old friend. She claims, with tears streaming down her face, that Mr. Rich guy is her soulmate and that she "believes in God" and that marriage is for life and that Mr. Obnoxious Friend is being unfair and cruel.

Dr. Phil is being generous when he says that he doesn't think it's impossible for a relationship that began on to become something meaningful. But he also brought up the fact that Little Miss 18 may not have the life experience necessary to deal with the world view of a 40 year old...not to mention a man who's lost a wife to terminal illness. (as an aside, she told Mr. 40 that he had to get rid of all the pictures of his late wife.)

She's reacting to this line of reasoning like I used to react to my parents telling me that I couldn't wear make-up till I was in high school. They said it was for my own good and that I would understand when I was older. I swore up and down (in so many words, and in my jr. high way) that I knew all there was to know and that they were unjustly excercising their authority in order to make themselves feel like good parents. And I wasn't going to stand for it!!!

This girl needs to hit 30 ...hell, 25...and come to understand, like all of us have, that she doesn't know jack shit. I swear the older I get the less I know.

I feel bad for Little Miss 18. She really believes she's got it all figured out. She feels profoundly misunderstood. I remember that feeling. It sucks. It feels like the whole world is against you.

Stick it out honey, you'll see. A day will come when you'll remember your television debut and cringe. Don't be embarrassed, we've all been there.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

No more campaign commercials!! YAY!!

Well, voting day has come and frankly, it couldn't have come on a worse day. I was worried last week because I didn't really have any idea who I'd vote for. I've been in a funk for a month now. So much for's more like ADS (season). But these last 2 days have been horrendous.

My new polling place is a retirement hotel. As I was in the elevator I noticed a sign advertising a Julie Andrews concert at 1:30 this afternoon (which was only 10 minutes from that very moment.)

Now if I was depressed before, I was spiraling downward now. I'm a little dissastisfied with my life right now. I quote Fontine (of Les Miserables fame) when I say, "I had a dream my life would different from this hell I'm living." Now I realize that's a bit melodramatic but it's a very moving musical.

Anyway, if Mary Poppins is singing to deaf geriatrics in her twilight years in the middle of the afternoon, then what hope do I have of making my life memorable?

So I go in and vote and stare at the screen because I still don't know who the hell I'm going to vote for. I consider all the things I've learned about the candidates. Some comments about one in particular ("south side white trash" I think it went...from someone who shouldn't talk) are chock full of ignorance. Some comments and recomendations about some of them seem much more well informed.

I still didn't know what to do. I almost did the write-in thing. But then I cast a vote...and I will keep it to myself as is my right as an American.

Then I walked out of the practically-a-nursing home and felt slightly better. I'd been naval gazing for a long time now and getting out and thinking about the larger community made me see a break in my clouds.

My civic duty fulfilled, I can see my importance in the world. Even if only for 10 minutes.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Clinton gets a new job

I'm tappin' that TV vein again. Stacy and Clinton have gone from fashion gurus to life coaches.
They just told a mini-skirt wearin'-low-rise sportin'-cleavage exposing-40-somthin' that, "This is about giving you options. You can only get so far being 'tarty'." I want to marry him...although I have a sneaky suspicion he's not interested in my kind.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

If you park this bad I'd hate to see how you...

Ok seriously. Is it really necessary to leave a half a car length in front of you when you parallel park? 5 cars fit on the small area of street next to my building. If and I mean if people don't leave 200 feet between them and the car in front of them. Bastards all!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Movie review...sort of.

I watched The Shipping News this afternoon. I highly recomend it. It's not the feel-good movie of the decade or anything, but I like it for several reasons. #1) It confirms, if I ever had a doubt, that I never ever want to go to Newfoundland. #2) It stars Kevin Spacey, Cate Blanchet, Judi Dench, and Juliane Moore. A fine cast. and #3) It's a movie about hope and healing. I love those two very things, as many of you know. There is hope for a broken heart...a broken life. If a Hollywood story can show it, and this myth can stir us, then it it must mean there is a deeper reality. Hope and healing is possible. It has to be.