Monday, August 07, 2006

Hello blogging world!!

I can't believe I'm here. It took me an hour and a half to finally get this far in the blog creating process. I was a little nervous. Go figure.

Anyway, here's the deal. I don't have internet in my home yet because I can't bring myself to pay for tv and cable internet. Isn't tv supposed to come with your...uh.....TV !?!?!

I guess I'm bitter. I turn on the tube and all I get is static and it pisses me off.

So as far as blogging goes I'm stuck going to panera till I can overcome my hatred for comcast. I ask for your patience.

I look forward to venting with all of you in the days and months (and who knows...years) to come.



Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm going to add you to my RSS reader right now. Hooray for blogs.

Anonymous said...

And, of course, hooray for Kotzie.

Anonymous said...

Two words: rabbit ears. I'm telling you. I have rabbit ears on my TV. No shame in that, and it saves me the pretty penny I would spend on cable.

I used to dislike Comcast until my Abby started working there and now my parents got ubercable for free. Ah, the joys of OnDemand.

Lori said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere!

Love you and can't wait to hear more.