Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lisa's "weekend"

I had this glorious writing schedule planned for the Sunday Monday and Tuesday weekend I'd arranged. Here I am at Panera...planning on writing for the first time. Plus, I'm really just killing time till what's-his-face-calls...we're going "cruising" tonight. I'm so excited for him. He needed Lori's little beater of a car to feel human again...and it's fun to watch him get giddy.

Anyway, I'm just dropping by to say something real quick. I promise...then I write.

I was told yesterday that I'm 35 and it's time I let Lisa have some fun. That I should just have sex with you know who and get it overwith. That we both want it so we should just have fun and let whatever happens happen.

Sigh...It's not like the thought hasn't crossed my mind. And make no mistake. I'm not talking...blush...giggle... crossed my mind. I mean I've gone so far as to weigh pros and cons.
I do get tired of being different from the rest of the world. There are quite a few people I socialize with who have sex for the fun of it. Yes...even the women. It's not the high-school girl lets varsity quarterback get in her pants because she wants to be loved scenario. It's pure adult sex for fun and no one gets hurt. And if they do then they're no more heartbroken than I've been by various love interests. So what the hell's the big deal.

I don't have all the answers. Not even to my should I/shouldn't I dilemma. But one thing I do know is my own heart. If I listen closely it will remind me over the din of my raging hormones that when it happens it will be a complete self donation. There is no separating sex and love in this heart.

So no matter what I believe is possible for the future. The question of the moment is this: Is he prepared to receive all of Lisa?

A: Hell no.


Anonymous said...

Friends don't let friends settle for people who treat them like crap.

Anonymous said...

>>Friends don't let friends settle for people who treat them like crap.<<

Amen, sista.

Lisa said...

I want every worried friend out there to know that he no longer treats me like crap. Since the "big talk" he has been a kind, patient, and hilarious good friend. It's amazing what my fear of confrontation cost me over the last year. (there's more to say on this but I'll wait.)

Things are great now that I can call him up and say, "I don't get you when you do ___." He either says, "this is why I do that" or "that was shitty of me...I'm sorry." Seriously, things are good. Communication is a beautiful thing.

Lori said...

First, I love as much of Lisa as I get since we're heterosexual women in a non-romantic friendship. Lisa rocks!

Methinks nobody deserves all of Lisa until they know how lucky that would be.

Secondly, I saw a t-shirt that said "Friends don't let friends be Packers fan."

To that, I say, "Amen, sista." = )

Lisa said...

Oh he knows...but he still can't handle it.

Anonymous said...

Oh he knows...but he still can't handle it.

I disagree - he doesn't know. If he knew, then he would not have treated you the way he did for the last year and a half regardless of whether or not he returned your feelings or just wanted to be a friend. Remember that you cannot will a complete overhaul of the person he is. If you saw this happening to someone you care about, you'd be the first one in line to give them a loving smack upside the head. On their blog. :)

Anonymous said...

If I'm going to be 100% honest (and I rarely am anything less), gotta say definitely understand/respect Lisa's concern.

Several weeks of non-jerkyness, encouraging as they are, do not undo 1.5 years of general jerkyness. No one wants to see their good friend treated badly by anyone...let alone some boy. I mean, come on. Boys. Ewwwwww. ;-)

Proceed as you will, my dear. We have complete faith in you. But we further reserve the right to smack his ass down, should The Jerk return.

I hope you understand my hesitancy on the subject isn't a reflection on you. Hmmmmm...this is a really heavy discussion to be having on a blog.

Now, on the Packers thing..that we can all agree on.

Lisa said...

Meegs, you're right. This is way too personal for the world wide web. And I'm frustrated as hell. But I do love you all and appreciate your concern.