Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Still in the land of the living

...but barely.

I've been parked on the couch for 4 days...today makes 5. I was going to call in extra for the dinner shift but I didn't want to leave my couch. I'm bored out of my mind; I feel cloudy in the head from lack of fresh air; I feel lonely and destined to live out my days knowing that, if, in the middle of the night, I should require emergency medical attention, i will die.

I think the only reason I went to the doctor was because last time I had bronchitis I thought I was going to choke on my own phlegm in my sleep. But he gave me some very nice cough syrup and a doctor's note stating that I was, in fact, sick with something other than a hangover for those folks at work who don't trust Saturday morning sick calls.

All I want to do is sleep on my couch and watch TLC all day. And since I've done that very thing for the past four days (with a little review of Alias season 4 thrown in) I'm guessing I'm in a bit of a depression.

Ah well, not to worry...I have a double tomorrow. And I bet it'll be the greatest double of my life. It'll be good to get out and actually use my slightly atrophied body .

Oh why does the thought of going to work make me cringe? I think I'm going to work on my book a bit today. I need another life option. Maybe that's why I'm depressed.


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