Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Don't Listen to the "Experts"

A couple years ago I went with Lori to Xsport to workout with her. I got the tour from one of the hard-sell buff guys so I wouldn't have to pay the fee. (remind me that sometimes it's worth the money) So this huge body builder type asks me if I exercise. I asked if being on your feet for 30+ hours a week counts as exercise. Before I could get the question out he responded with a rather forceful, "NO!" I was dismayed to think that all that time running around for extra oil and garlic wasn't doing me a damn bit of good.

Well, I wish I could go find that punk kid and tell him where he could put his free-weights. I looked in the mirror this morning and realized that three months of sitting in class, sitting on my couch, sitting in a chair at the library, sitting and typing papers has officially put me back to the weight I was hoping to never see again. I have always had weeks where my tummy was a little bit bigger because I went out to eat too many times but the extra weight never reached my face. Well, my face is showing the weight gain now. And with my big fluffy hair I'm starting to look like Aslan. (and not in a majestic, noble and wise way if you know what I mean.)

I am in the depths of despair.

Things to remember:
  • This is within my power to change.
  • If I lost it once I can lose it again.

Things that scare me:
  • Overcoming addiction takes tremendous strength
  • I don't feel so strong right now.



Anonymous said...

Ok I highly doubt you look like Aslan but I do understand the depression. My thyroid is especially low this pregnancy so I am not even sure it is working which means I have gained like 10 lbs that has nothing to do with the baby. Just remember it can be lost and it isn't who you are just what is on you.

Lisa said...

Megan? Is that you? I think you're the only one I know right now who's pregnant.

Yeah...I know it's all fixable but it's sooo much harder to take it off than put it on. Adding pounds takes almost no effort at all.

Anonymous said...

>>Adding pounds takes almost no effort at all.<<

Preaching to the choir, sister! But yes, removing those easily added pounds can be done. It does suck sometimes though.

Wanna go for a run with me when you come back over Christmas? :)

Lisa said...

I've decided that my workout regime begins tomorrow. (I even put it in my calender)

I seriously need some endorphins in my life. I'll be running by the time I get home for Christmas. I promise. (oooh that's a scary promise!)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was also going to mention you should just think of it as your body preparing for winter, it can be harsh and cold....