Friday, October 05, 2007

God knew what he was doing!

Yeah. I hit enter after writing the title. So those of you who were waiting with baited breath for my next post got to see nothing but the title. Ooops!

So as I was saying...

Weekends are God's greatest invention. (next to hot men of course)

It's Friday afternoon and I'm gonna sit on my ass and watch a long run of America's Next Top Model (my guilty pleasure) and then go to a cookout tonight. Then I'm gonna sit on my ass some more tomorrow (and maybe study some) and go to our university's monthly Festival of Praise (where us Catholics get to stand in a big field house and sing songs projected on a big screen like a bunch of evangelicals.) Then on Sunday a bunch of us GNTers (that's Grad/Non-Traditional) are going to a winery and drink some yummy wine and eat cheese and crackers.

And what makes this all so fun is that I did all (well most) of my studying during the week at school so I'm home free.


Anonymous said...

Weekends rule! And really, is there anything better than a season-long Top Model marathon on MTV as background noise? I can watch them over and over. Except that I keep practicing my "fierce" face and do the model walk into my kitchen to get more donuts, and I'm afraid that Tom will notice one of these times. So I'm totally with you.

Lisa said...

I do the model walk to the potty. I seriously want to write Tyra and say I'm fat and gross but, gerl, I could give you fierce...and I can read a tele-prompter as though I was literate.