Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm outta here.... soon as I run a thousand errands; pack more; go out to dinner with Ginge tonight; pack more; get a massage; pack more; do laundry; pack more; do more laundry; and pack.

I'm so tired and stressed, but also excited. I can't wait to settle into a new place in a new town and go to school. I know this sounds silly but I can't wait to write a paper and learn Elementary Spanish. I've got a bit of a head start in Spanish with all I learned on Sesame Street. (yay!)

I worked my last shift last night and I thought for sure I'd be sad. I wasn't. It did feel weird that my name wasn't on this week's schedule and I did have a bit of frustration when I realized I'd lost all my seniority. But I'm sooo over it.

I was on my way home with Lori and mentioned that I was experiencing a little bit of sadness about He- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. He and I had some very comfortable and friendly banter at the beginning of the shift and then at the end of it he just left. He might help me load the UHaul but I'm not putting money on it. He's very good at making promises.

Ok enough about that.

I'm looking forward to the road trip with Lori. We have both our iPods and we're ready. Everybody please pray that we can drive the UHaul with my car behind it without getting ourselves killed.

Thank you all for your love and support. I'll miss you LOTS!!


Anonymous said...


and yet

:) for you


Lisa said...

I'll be just an email or phone call away. :*)

:( my sad face is for the fact that I'll be loading the UHaul in a freaking THUNDERSTORM!!! Oh...and during rush hour when you can't park anywhere near my building. I'll have to have them carry my mahogany dressers across Touhy. I've GOT to figure something out.