Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More photos

Aloha kids!

I've got more photos for y'all.
Yesterday we went to Volcanoes National Park and saw some amazing stuff. We hiked a good way to get to these petragliphs.

Craig said he thought the ancient Hawaiians needed to go to art class. Frankly, there's a lot of things the ancient Hawaiians did that were very Blair Witchy to me...piles of rocks all over the place...rickety twig structures with piles of rocks on them...very creepy.

I thought the petragliphs were pretty cool but by the end of the hike I was sunburned and exhausted. By the time we got to the end of the road, where we would, then, have to hike another 4.5 miles over lava rock to see the actual lava flowing, we were all like, "Screw you guys...we're going home." So I didn't get to see the glowing lava hitting the ocean. Oh well...next trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of that hilarious email forward that I haven't seen in awhile where some guy very sarcastically critiques a bunch of drawings from little kids as if they were being done by actual artists. That thing slays me. I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere.