Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Chinese New Year Resolution...and I'm even late for that!

I resolve to....

  • not be manipulated.
  • not allow my friends to treat me with disrespect simply because they're my friends.
  • to love my enemies...even if they shake their empty cup at me.
  • to love my life even if there are things that I hope for that don't seem possible.
  • to be a agent of peace in the world...even when people have waited 40 minutes for a table and didn't sit down in time for the early bird special and they're mad at me about it.
  • have healthy boundaries.
  • love from a distance if I have to. (this might be a good time to start praying again.)


Anonymous said...

Great list.

There's a whole lot packed into each of those statements...lots to think about.

Lisa said...

Any thoughts?