Friday, August 22, 2008

Stay tuned....

I know it's been a while since I've written, but I'm working on new things. You will love it! Be patient.

Hope your summers went well!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

She says what I think

I'm going to let Barbara Nicolosi say what I've been trying to say all along because I can't really say it better myself. For a complete transcript of this interview check out her blog Church of the Masses

HG: (Heather Goodman, for her eZine "Glimpses")How can Christians get beyond curse word counting and overtly pious themes to determine if the message of a movie is Christian or not?

Barbara Nicolosi: Christians need to view movies and television with a sense of context. That is, when considering a movie or television show, the questions need to be who is this show for, and what here is true? And then, what is there in this show that is a sign of the times that I can use as a means to talk to people about the Gospel? Too many Christians are not even reading the signs of the times. We are so engaged in ducking and running, and wishing we lived back in the 1830s. No, this is our time. This moment with its post-modern confusion, with its 24 hour chattering news cycle, its post-Sexual Revolution cynicism and vulgarity, and with the incipient sloth which is the ultimate gift of all our modern conveniences.

Christians need to grow up and understand that this is a very dark world which is locked in a high stakes struggle. What I mean by that is, we have people on one side thinking homosexuals can make a marriage, and scientists over there are experimenting on baby humans, and folks over there are wanting to euthanize grandma. This is not a moment in which a Precious Moments style message and apostolic approach is going to help anything. Christians should be the ultimate realists who are not shocked by the ravages of sin. An old nun once said to me, "Only fools are scandalized." The Scriptures say that Jesus knew what was in the heart of man, and so must we if we are going to tell stories that will lead people to compunction, and then grace.