Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Can't Believe it's Over!!

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! My mom and I went to brunch at 10:00, listened to Josh Groban and then watched the Cold Case marathon on TNT. Then I went to bed. Pretty boring on this end, but I had a nice time with my mom.

Now I'm dog sitting for my friend Jane. He's a great big dog who acts like a puppy and follows me around the house. I got up for a coffee refill and he came along. It's annoyingly cute. I get irritated but I haven't been followed around by a cute boy in a while. It's nice to have someone (or somedog) say by their actions, "I really want to be around you." So ya kina gotta love it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dear Well-meaning Christians,

Meegs has two awesome posts on her blog. One from yesterday and one from today.

I want to point out that today's post is brought to you by yesterday's post. Filled with sarcasm (fabulous wit) and doubt, Meegs laid out her soul yesterday. She embraced her doubt and wrestled with it...and God, and today, produced a profound insight into her own struggle, which I'm sure is shared with half the Christian world (if they're willing to face it.)

If you are a Christian who can't stand to see someone struggle with their faith without putting in your two sense, please wait. Wait to see if the struggle produces something beautiful before you try to ease it. (BTW....that might take years)

Friday, December 07, 2007

Am I wrong?

As the Office du Tourisme de Paris recovers from our last little war against popular fiction and Hollywood, we find ourselves embroiled in yet another cultural debate. Enter Philip Pullman and his "Golden Compass."
If you haven't heard, the movie is based on the first book in a trilogy called "His Dark Materials." Word on the street is that Pullman is a militant atheist who is bent on "bashing Christianity and promoting atheism." So says the opposition. I do not jump on bandwagons, but let us, for simplicity's sake, assume this is correct. (I believe it is...I did some poking around and all evidence points to it.)

I am, frustrated that believers are Why is it that Christians shy away from informing themselves? Say someone you know sees The Golden Compass. Say that person is not a Christian and wants to enter into a discussion about it. What are you going to say... I didn't see it because it differs from my belief system? It's a horrible movie by the Big Bad Atheist? So then that person is left alone with his impressions of the movie, and what could have been an opportunity to evangelize has instead, confirmed the opinion that Christians are narrow-minded and expect you to believe what they say simply because they said it. (or because the "bible says so")

As a Christian, I believe certain things. I believe those things to be true, good, and beautiful. I want to share those things with people who may have opposite beliefs. How can I do that if I don't allow myself exposure to opposing points of view.

I don't know if I'm going to see it or not. I'm not in favor of giving my money to diabolical anti-Christian movements. But I know the more the Church opposes it, the more people who want to thumb their nose in that direction will want to see it. And I know that we are much more equipped to engage in debate when we understand both sides of an argument. So what to do? I don't know. It's more complicated than a boycott I think.

I would not recommend this movie or these books for kids.
I would not recommend this movie or these books for people who think whatever appears on the big screen is real (critical thinking is a must here folks!!)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Say It Ain't So !!!

I am very sad today. I can no longer consider myself a Chicagoan. I have an Ohio driver's license...and Ohio plates. I am now officially a resident of Mordor. A place where plumes of acrid steam billow from smoke stacks on every horizon. A place where DMV employees say Ohiah and Illinoize. And a place where the most popular eating establishment is called Spanky's.

Shoot me please

Monday, December 03, 2007

Thanksgiving: Disfunction Revisited

Here's the emotional post I never put up. I was yelled at by one Lisa Zell. (her fabulous blog can be found by following the link on my blogroll) She told me to post this even though it's kinda old news.

This is the fourth time I've written this post. I don't know where to focus this discussion of my screwed up relationship with my mother. Quite honestly, I feel like an orphan.

I love my mother. Yet she makes my constant, dull sense of loneliness more acute. I can go on to complain about all the adolescent emotions she provokes in me but I'll spare you. What I see is a future of caring for my mother alone. I've never felt more like a "lonely only" than I do right now. I feel an overwhelming, and almost oppressive, sense of responsibility. And I feel so selfish because I can't seem to get over the hurt. I practically threw her onto the plane Sunday -- I couldn't be with her anymore.

As a Catholic, I believe in the redemptive power of suffering. It is a beautiful concept that gives purpose to our pain. But I am literally on my couch crying in horror at the idea that my redemption will come through this loneliness...and that it will last the length of my life.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

First Dance

I was going to post a bunch of previously drafted messages about my Thanksgiving with my mom. They were a little emotional and since I waited so long to get them up here, they are no longer timely. Instead, I'm putting up this video. It's light and sweet and will touch your heart....hehehe. So awesome.