Thursday, September 27, 2007

Franciscan University of Steubenville

Here is the shot I see on my way home everyday. I love it here. The hills are the best. But I walked to class on Monday and I thought I was going to die. I live in a neighborhood on a huge hill and the university is on a different huge hill. It was a work-out let me tell you.

My Apartment.

As I promised I'm posting some photos of my place. I think I'm going to go run out and take some shots of the campus. There's a really great view of the steeple from the parking lot and late afternoon is the best time to take it since the sun is in just the right place.

Anyway, here's my cute kitchen, my living room and my bedroom.

Sorry this post is kind of a hodge podge...I have to get to campus...good sun and all.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Distractions from Studying

OMG! I have much studying to do! I guess I'll be posting more as a way of procrastinating. Though, I must say that I love having homework. I would come home from the crabhouse and having nothing worthwhile to do. I'm sure that in two months I'll wish I had nothing to do at home but right now studying give me a sense of purpose. And I really love learning.

I wish I had more time to study my Photoshop Bible. I bought it with my Border's gift card. I checked all the reviews and it seemed this big ass book was the best for beginners as well as those with a little more experience. If I could get my work done (study for three tests and write a five page paper and read read read) by Saturday night I might use Sunday as Photoshop day. That would be awesome! There are some great campus shots I'd love to capture. I'm going to take a Summer shot, and Autumn shot and a Winter shot.

Also, I was just reminded that you folks haven't seen what my apartment looks like now that I'm settled. I'll have to get that to you too. Hang on...maybe I'll do that now.

Stay tuned

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Syllabi and why they make me happy....

I truly get almost giddy (on the inside) when that syllabus is headed my way down the row. I would jump around in my seat and make quick hand clapping motions with my hands if I wasn't going to be looked at funny.

Maybe it's the hope of a new beginning. A fresh start. There's no backtracking and making up for yesterday. Your past grades don't matter here. It all starts....right's a syllabus.

I also like to know what's expected of me. I like to know that in two weeks there's a Spanish exam on Chapter 1. And that this paper that's due on September 20th is worth 20% of my grade. That's very important stuff to know when you've got two Cubs games and Pittsburgh's Irish Fest in one weekend.

The class syllabus can give some insight into the professor as well. Undoubtedly, Professor Whoever will highlight some key points in the syllabus. If he says cutesy little self-deprecating things about it, whether they're funny or not, you know he doesn't take himself too seriously. This is good. If he treats the syllabus like it's on the short list for the Pulitzer, then you know you're in trouble.

Of course the final reason for loving syllabi the way I do is the portion entitled "Objectives." This section outlines the goals of the class and lists the things that you'll learn. It answers that age old question.

"Why the hell am I here?"